
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Adventures in Preschool

A few weeks ago we started my daughter on a preschool curriculum. We did great for a week, and then ended up traveling out of state for a wedding, visiting some family and by the time we returned home we were way out of sync! Then apple season hit us hard and with the pints of apple butter and applesauce that we canned...preschool just wasn't happening.

It really didn't bother me too much, because this is life. Things come up, and schedules change. So for the last few weeks we haven't stuck to the schedule. But we have made a point to teach as we go. Any movies we watched were focused on letters or numbers and we started looking for our letters. When we shop, walk through the house or church we watch for letters. My daughter is even starting to point them out on her own!

The other day she pointed out the letter "L". Which we haven't touched on our curriculum. And she did the same thing last night at dinner, pointed out letters that we haven't taught her yet. So this morning, I tested her on what she does know.

All of the arrows are things my little girl DOESN'T know! I was very proud of her, and not so frustrated that we have been off schedule. So we're back to it now, and rethinking our strategy a little bit based on what she showed us today!

The other thing this does is really reaffirm our decision to homeschool our kids. This is NO reflection on our school system, but I was raised with a Christian education and so was my husband. With no Christian school in our area (not that we could afford it if there were...), homeschooling is the best option to get that education to our kids. And seeing how my daughter does without being in a "classroom" all day, I'm really glad we made this call!

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