
Friday, September 12, 2014

Blogging Through the Bible- 1 Peter 3

Submission. It seems like a dirty word to most women, especially in an age where equality is all the rage. But something jumped out at me here, something I haven't caught before. Verse 1 says "Wives, in the same way". I've read this a thousand times and never really caught it. What "same way". If you look back at the last verses of chapter 2, it talks about how Jesus didn't retaliate with insults when people mock and abused Him. Instead he entrusted Himself to God. He submitted to the Father's plan to save us all. I've never caught that before! Again, Jesus is our example. 

Then I read on to verse 6 where we're called to be like Sarah and not give in to fear. Does that mean that not submitting is not trusting our husbands and ultimately not trusting in God's plan? Is taking control when we feel things are out of hand really just a reaction to fear? I know it's hard, and I know not all women agree. But if we trust that God is in control of all- doesn't that include our spouses? 


  1. I have found that every time I react and jump in control, everything gets worse! I may think I have fixed it, but then reality steps in and I see the chaos I created out of just what you said, "fear". Luckly I have a husband that usually has patience with me, but he will gently let me know when I have overstepped and made things worse. Submitting/Trusting brings more peace to my household. God is Great!

  2. Same in our household! I have never had trouble expressing my opinion, and my husband is very good about listening to my thoughts. The hard part comes when I state my opinion and he says "I see what you're saying. But that's not what I feel we need to do." He's very gentle about it, and always lays out why he doesn't think it will work- and I have to remind myself that I am not in charge. God is, and he placed my husband in my life for a good reason!

  3. Hi Karen, thank you for sharing :) I was definitely one of those ladies who viewed submission as a dirty word. It IS so challenging. But, like you, I picked up on "not retaliating" as well.

  4. Live EatSweat- Thanks for commenting. I'm new to blogging and it's very encouraging! God Bless!



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